agents wanted
Looking for a partner who will work with us
Professionalism comes from the heart, RECO's unique vision of both professionalism and aesthetics, from style, color and function, can be perfectly matched with various types of home styles, and become the first choice of designers and builders.
國泰建設 潤泰建設 遠雄建設 華友聯 冠德建設
長虹建設 聯上建設 三豐建設 上曜建設 名軒開發
昇陽國詠 欣巴巴建設 達麗建設 亞昕建設 總太建設
京城建設 坤悅建設 元利建設 興富發建設
If you would like to learn more about Reco products and services, please contact us. If you are interested in becoming a Reco distributor or discussing a business partnership, please contact us.
1 F., No. 191, Chongzhong Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 81361, Taiwan (R.O.C.)